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Board Members

Wayne County Ethics Board members and their appointing bodies are:

  • Philip J. Thomas, chair, attorney in private practice. Appointed by Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree to a term that expires 12/31/24.
  • Ketra Lewis, vice chair, principal Compliance Risk Manager at Discover Financial Services. Appointed by Wayne County Sheriff Raphael Washington to a term that expires 12/31/24.
  • Frank D. Woods Jr., retired UAW official. Appointed by the Wayne County Commission to a term that expires 12/31/26.
  • William C. Schaefer, attorney at a local firm. Appointed by Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans to a term that expires 4/11/25.
  • Dr. Demetrius E. Ford. a forensic psychologist. Appointed by Wayne County Clerk Cathy M. Garrett to a term that expires 2/16/27.
  • Peter C. Rageas, an attorney in private practice and Certified Public Accountant. Appointed by Register of Deeds Bernard Youngblood to a term that expires 4/8/28.

    One vacancy. To be appointed by Prosecutor Kym Worthy to a four-year term.